Thursday, December 19, 2013

What they want or what they need?

As product managers, many time we encounter this question: should we give the customer what he currently wants or should we give him what we know he needs?

Henry Ford once said "If I had asked people what they wanted they would have said faster horses",
in other words – should we work hard to improve the wagon or should we work hard to invent the first car?
Reading these lines you are probably thinking, but that is obvious right? It is obvious we want product managers to be creative and come with the invention of the new car. But – does creativity alone does the trick?

Reality is, that you need to be a very brave product manager to tell your customer – “hold your horses, I understand that this is what you want, but let me tell you what you actually need.” You need to be brave because they think they know better. Because many times they have many ideas on how to make their life easier. You need to be brave because they know what they want and you have to say no! You need to filter the noise from the field, take a big step back and try to map the world of the problem and find the creative solution for it. It might be a long shot, and might fail, but it can also be that one feature that will change your customer life forever.

You should also be a sells man. You need to know how you take your cool idea and prioritize it against bugs/feature requests from the field, because as we all know – business won’t make it easy on you. Actually, most chances are they will throw your cool idea to the bottom of the list and won’t give it a second look. You need to be creative, brave, and you need to know how to sell your idea. Best way would be to gather some data. Go out there, talk to customers, run surveys, create some mockups (better if users can interact with it), adjust your idea according to some of the feedback you got and then come with this data to the management and customers and convince them you have the cool new idea that will change your customer’s life.

So in order to be able to give your customers what they need and not only of what they want, you will need to be creative, brave and know how to sell your idea, and you need to be willing to take the risk of failing, since where there is no risk, there is no chance.

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